Sunday, August 26, 2007

fallon's very early birthday party

We decided to have Fallon's birthday party this Sunday since she is in school and everyone will be gone next weekend. Most importantly, I am barely hanging in there as the days go by. We were going to do a Cinderella theme, but she also loves Hello Kitty. She recently discovered Angelina Ballerina, so she changed her mind to a ballerina theme party and the girls can wear tutus. I was going to order her a reversible tutu, but I couldn't get one in time, so I just winged it and made one!

We ended up having mostly adults - which turned out so great since it was chaotic enough with 3! It was nice to see all the adults out of work mode and relaxing and having adult conversation. Despite getting exhausted, I had a nice time. I was more than happy to see Fallon having a blast!