Sunday, March 18, 2007

fallon is potty trained!!! yeah!!

We finally committed to staying on top of Fallon for 2 weeks and trained her with diapers at night and mostly underwear. She got the pee thing down in a week, but number 2 took a bit longer. She held it for 4 days because it's a very dirty task to her. Finally, she couldn't hold in the fibers I've been shoving in her anymore. While in a nude frolic, she ran to her potty, stood in the dark and started crying. She ran towards me clutching her hands and threw something brown on the tile floor in front of me, crying, "Clean me! Clean me!" Oh yes it was - the ball of fibers. Luckily, no repeat of that, so far. Today was the second successful time she did a #2 in the potty - which requires mommy to do the silly potty song and dance. She knows not to go in her underwear and always tells us if she has to go. When out in public, she has been very good to say, "I have to go potty." I don't dare go anywhere yet unless there is a very clean bathroom nearby and I'm packing plenty of sanitation.