Saturday, February 03, 2007

panda's time out

Panda (the shih tzu, aka our first born) chewed up one of Fallon's toys. I was so angry with her, so I scolded her and sent her to her cage. "Panda, you get a time out! Bad girl!" We really haven't put Fallon in a time out yet, but she watched intently and looked at me with a serious glare. So, I bent down and explained to Fallon, "Panda is a bad girl. Do you know why? Because she chewed your toy. So she has to have a time out." Then Fallon bends down and moves in closer to my face and says, "I understand." !?! Wait a minute...that was too easy.

#1: I didn't know she knows the concept of the word understand and #2: What are you, 6??!!