Saturday, February 24, 2007

fallon's potty training update

We started Fallon on the potty a year ago. But since we got so busy with life, we gave it up and really, we weren't ready to introduce the public restroom! Throughout the year, she has been able to hold it at night and go potty in the morning. She also got so used to reading books on the potty, that it became like a learning center. But that's about it. We had 1 successful #2 when she saw Papa Ferna do it last November. And that was that. So, we began seriously again this month and she is completely dry every morning and has consistently been dry throughout the day. She looks forward to the "potty dance" afterwards. We are still tackling the feared #2. She usually runs off and hides behind a door or retreats to safe a corner for privacy and does her thing. We will start the flushable "g" diapers tomorrow as a transition to underwear. We know that she gets it. I think I am just getting over my fear of the public restroom inconvenience!