Wednesday, January 09, 2008

aspen: 4 month update

Aspen is already 4 months! She is right on track with laughing, smiling, sticking her tongue out, drooling, somewhat rolling, talking, touching, grasping with 2 hands, pulling up, kicking and recognizing. Did I mention that she looks like Jonathan? We don't know her weight (she is as heavy as our shih tzu, Poncho!), but she is 23 inches now and seems the same size/weight as Fallon at this age. On Monday night, she nursed for 45 minutes then went down in her crib from 10pm-6am! Miracle...the beginning of longer nights of sleep?

I've been enjoying time off from business to bond with her and Fallon during the Holidays (I missed Fallon since she's been in school all day). I started to pack up Aspen's 0-3 clothes. It makes me sad to think she will never fit into them again and I will never see these clothes again - unless it's on a friend's baby girl!