Another month! She was sleeping through the night last month until the the first feelings of teeth sprouting. She still wakes up 1-2 times at night - easily irritated by the pain which equals annoyed parents :( She has graduated from the swing and naps well in her crib or the car seat. Other than that, she has been smiley, talkative, active (thrashes in her ExerSaucer) and hilarious. She is also sitting up very well - she sat in a restaurant highchair for the first time. She's on the verge of crawling, rolls over and sometimes falls asleep that way. And of course, she is still sucking her thumb. She cracks up at Fallon's entertainment. Favorite... Toys: Learning drum, peek-a-boo toys. Outing: Picking up Fallon at school in the Bjorn/Sling. On her iPod: Classical Nap Time for Tots. Foods: peas, carrots, squash, applesauce, prune juice (ew!), bananas and now sweet potatoes.