Aspen is doing well with everything so far - laughing, looking at us, lifitng her head, responding to noise, following with her eyes and eating like a champ! We've had a few discrepancies on her height: at birth, she was measured at 17 3/4 inches. At 1 week, she was measured at 19 inches. At 2 weeks: 19.75", at 5 weeks: 20.5". Her Dr. said that they definitely measured her wrong at birth and was probably over 19 inches then. Fallon was 19 1/2". Aspen has been cluster feeding (nursing every 90 minutes) which leaves no time for much else. Her schedule is opposite ours which we are trying to reverse to get more sleep. So far, she is similar to Fallon - aware of her surroundings, already enjoying baby Einstein videos and smiling. Fallon is very helpful and understanding with her and continues to be a proud big sister, especially when I come to pick Fallon up from school.
A big thanks to all those who sent the cards, flowers, gifts and giggle.com registry items our way. We appreciate the thoughtfulness - especially being so far away from friends and family. Aspen is already so loved.