7:05: I get up. I have been trying to get a few extra z's since I am extra tired these days.
8:00: The morning Joe kicks in, I get on the computer, the phone or the sewing machine and start my day. I am either cutting or sewing while throwing in some laundry or some cleaning up around the house. I'll usually be busy from this time until Jon leaves around 1pm - this is basically my workday. I have until 1pm to run any errands without Fallon in tow.
10:00: Jon usually tinkers around with house stuff or runs errands and takes Fallon and the dogs out to the park across the street. Lately, they have been flying a kite which I can see from the upstairs windows. She just loves it!
1:00: Jon showers and leaves for work.
1:45: I read Fallon some stories and play a little and put her down for a nap.
2:15: This begins my nonstop golden hour (when she is asleep). I eat lunch, get back to work, make phone calls.
4:00: Wake her up. If she is not requiring my attention, she plays in her loft or kitchen. If I have to run more errands, we leave the house.
6:00: Fallon and I have dinner - either out or at home.
7:00 Playtime/bathtime
8:00: Read books and go to sleep. I drool for a bit and get back to sewing usually.
2:30-4AM: Jon comes home from work.