Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
the red sale
Sunday, October 05, 2008
another birthday today
Happy Birthday Jon! I had a brunch at our house this morning for Jon. Yesterday was actually his birthday and today is our 6th anniversary! We pack it in, right? We have had so many cookouts at our house this year, it was a nice change to do a brunch. Tony came over with 2 jugs of Bloody Marys in hand! Yummy. Stephanie made her baked strata and waffles. Ashley made those tasty pumpkin spice muffins :)) We made pulled pork, mango salsa and an egg casserole. It was a perfectly enjoyable morning with good friends.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
aspen is ONE!
It is crazy to think that Aspen was born 1 year ago!! No, she is not walking yet, but we definitely don't mind since she is a maniac with crawling. I definitely think she is ready, but she seems a bit nervous about the concrete floors. I would be too! We let her tear into some pancakes at home and she opened a few gifts since the party is next week. We then went out to dinner at Olives Restaurant so the girls could enjoy the fountains at Bellagio. They loved the water and Aspen loved her pizza! Our little baby is one!

Monday, September 08, 2008
fallon's 4th birthday
We had a "Star Wars" themed party at school today. Yes, she LOVES Star Wars. We got her classmates a cookie cake for her school party. Fallon loves books and loves reading the same things over and over. So I decided to try her out for memorizing poems. We started with one of my favorites, Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay." After only 7 days of nightly readings, she did it! I told her if she memorizes it and recites it to her class, then she gets a surprise (bribery always does it). The real party is on the 20th, but we gathered a few of her school friends to go to Las Vegas Grand Prix for some games and car races.
Monday, September 01, 2008
fallon & aspen's birthday invitation

Thursday, August 28, 2008
my birthday
Jon checked me into Wynn hotel yesterday for a spa day and a kid-free evening. Christina was my decoy and was in charge of taking me to Okada - my favorite Japanese restaurant. I was surprised to find our wonderful friends for a lovely evening in view of the waterfall. The sushi was amazing as usual. We later were paid a visit by Elvis who arrived with a guitar and played my favorite Elvis songs. He was a great Elvis (way better than the one at our wedding and Christina was hitting on him!). When he finished, he presented me with the guitar he was playing and said it was my birthday present from Jon! (I need to be careful of my whims because now I 'have' to take guitar lessons). Later, Ash, Jon, Steve and I hung out at Tryst for a bit and called it a Wednesday night!

Monday, July 28, 2008
aspen's personality
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
outdoor stuff
Waiting for that big sale at DWR. Love this outdoor set.
I also love this light pendant, but I have run out of ceilings for fixtures. I love how it arrives flat-packed and received The Green Leaf Award.

Friday, May 30, 2008
sex and the city

Saturday, May 24, 2008
elvis costello / the police concert

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
aspen clapping, crawling, feeding
Aspen started clapping today. It's so fun to watch her do it. She gets so excited when you say, "Clap your hands!"
She has also begun to crawl. Aspen was determined to get those rubber mat pieces in her mouth asap. She started out going backwards, but finally figured out how to go forward :) What an amazing milestone. Fallon was never interested in crawling much, but Aspen is all about getting places to reach for things that must go into her mouth. She is so strong, too. Did I mention that she pulled a chair out from under me?? And poor dogs, they are getting their hair pulled out everytime they walk by Aspen. She manages to take a healthy clump out each time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
brand steakhouse events

Monday, May 12, 2008
what's your vice?

Sunday, May 11, 2008
simon lebon made mother's day

After brunch, Jason and Brian invited us to join them at the poolside at Wynn Hotel. It seems like Four Seasons and Wynn is a becoming a Mother's Day tradition. Ashley also joined and the girls got to go swimming. It was Aspen's first time in the pool! It was a great day.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
organic baby lotion
I am tired of using Weleda's organic baby products. The Calendula scent is too strong for me and I don't know how Aspen can take it. I love this organic lotion by erba. I hope they come out with a sunscreen.

jimmy navarro's 4th birthday

Friday, May 09, 2008
aspen: 8 months!!
Aspen is already 8 months! She is so strong and saying, "Dada" now. She just started clapping her hands. She loves sitting up or standing up and hanging on the side of the ottoman or couch. She is beginning to crawl. Fallon is amazing with Aspen and is truly a sweet and understanding big sis. She also started eating cereal and is almost able to put it in her mouth by herself. She has been teething, but no teeth have sprouted yet. This stage is so fun and I can't wait to spend the summer with her!

fallon's mother's day surprise
Fallon's class at Merryhill had been practicing their surprise for Mother's Day for a few weeks. All the moms were invited to have tea and cake with them. Thanks to Mrs. Ghanimian and Mrs. Dacarat for teaching the kids to sing Dean Martin's "That's Amore." It was precious, especially since they had to keep it a secret for a few weeks.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon
Monday, May 05, 2008
cinco de mayo dance at school
Fallon's class celebrated Cinco de Mayo at school with a dance they had been practicing. It was so cute. Fallon and Jordan were partners and loved to do the spins. The kids all did a great job despite the melting day. Special thanks to Mrs. Dacaret for teaching the kids the dance.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
talking to auntie Jenn
Thursday, May 01, 2008
fallon's first dentist appointment

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
fun, fast april
It was a fun-filled month with activities, birthdays and visitors. This year is whizzing by sooo fast! We finally had the Blue Heron photographer come by to take photos of our house. The coffee table book will be out soon! Although the house "looked" clean, we pulled it off! The pool is also coming along, but what a pain it has been! Jonathan has been busy hard at work (along with those fun, 16-hour days) to open the new restaurant BRAND Steakhouse at the Monte Carlo Hotel. My college buddy, Armando, was in town. He and Mark stopped by to hang out and graciously brought over BW-3! The Bedfords had a Spring Party where Fallon and Jordan were able to hang out outside of school. Bonnie Wharton came over with Miss Lola who is now 4 months and the same size as Aspen.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
allergy nation
I can't think of 1 person who is not on allergy medication or suffering from allergies in Las Vegas. Sorry to say, but if you aren't, you will be. Something in the air in Las Vegas will ignite it. I have not been on steady allergy pills until this spring. Poor Fallon and Jonathan, they started right before Easter and have been on Claritin. Fallon uses the occasional nebulizer to prevent any wheezing. In Fallon's class alone - most of the kids are on allergy meds. You can also tell that by the end of the week, the teachers are worn out from handling cranky, doped up kids. What is going on with our climate -- global warming? Some things we have been trying to do while these allergies attack our immune systems: Drink lots of water, keep the house dust-free as possible, doors and windows closed, invest in an air cleaner, shower nightly, shake out bedding, vitamin C, eat local honey, and get lots of rest. Kids especially need the extra zzzz's.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
need a new camera

michaela is 4!
We celebrated Michaela's 4th birthday at Rainforest Cafe at MGM today. We had never been there before. Michaela got to invite her best buds from school. The girls had a blast - the face painter/balloon artist made the party. Thank you to the Manni family for inviting us all to lunch!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
aspen's tutu
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
happy earth day - "planting the seeds"

Even though we practice it at home on a daily basis, I underestimated the ability of a 3 year-old to grasp the idea of being green. Everyone has different values and impress them upon their children. My parents raised us Catholic and to be thoughtful, caring citizens. I appreciated these values growing up and get it more now as a parent. And now, as a parent, we try to teach our kids the same values along with green living. It's never too early to teach or to learn. Plant those seeds! I am very proud to witness the fruits of our labor especially when Fallon expresses her care for people and things - including the environment.
upcycling with capri sun

recycle your old cell phone

bye bye plastic bags

Sunday, April 20, 2008
girls just wanna have fun

Saturday, April 19, 2008
happy birthday ashley!
Friday, April 18, 2008
fallon and michaela

Thursday, April 17, 2008
my parents are still in the philippines
I've gotten some emails regarding the status of my parents. Yes, they are still in the Philippines. They are supposed to come back in June, but my mom is ready to come back. She has missed spring gardening and tomato planting the past few years (I miss it too!). Most of you know that my parents hibernate in the Philippines from January- June. Dad gets his fill of surgeries through various medical missions since he has been retired. He has been feeling great - not taking medication for his allergies or heart. Mom is enjoying having a maid and getting regular massages and mani/pedis. They are doing light traveling and lots of socializing. And of course, they are eating like champs. I'd say in a nutshell, they are enjoying their lives. Despite their good reports, I still worry about them and I miss them a lot. I look forward to their arrival back in the States. Fallon misses having Lola (Grandma) down the hall and we miss Papa's treats to the buffets. I especially miss their cooking! I am sure they are also missing Fallon and dying to see how big Aspen is! Hurry back! We love you!
springs preserve

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