An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore
It was a very shocking read and I just watched the film. If you are not even aware of the our climate crisis, this will definitely get you to really think about your actions in everyday life. This got standing ovations at Sundance. READ IT or SEE IT!
Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough and Michael Braungart
The writers of this book are industrial designers that call for a new kind of ecological consciousness and a new approach they've dubbed "eco-effectiveness:" designing from the ground up for both eco-safety and cost efficiency. I call it eco-design. It's not so much about recycling, but about upcycling. I found i a bit complex to read and you have to have a decent knowledge of environmentalism. I definitely agree with many of their points and with a design background, I put more thought into how I will execute a project (and the consequences of it).
Natural Capitalism by Paul Hawken
This book gave me a rounded understanding of eco-business. It's based on the principle that business can be good for the environment. They show how leading-edge companies are practicing "a new type of industrialism" that is more efficient and profitable while saving the environment and creating jobs. It is also a very detailed analysis of sustainability.